Whether you’re looking for off-the-shelf packaged products you can quote online, or need expert underwriting support to place a larger risk, our SME Business Unit can help.
We know some clients and exposures need a tailored approach, so we’ll always have someone available for you to meet and discuss solutions that work for you.
Vantage provides mid-market clients with tailored, trade-specific products, along with award-winning claims service, leading risk management, and unique value-added services.
Our mid-corporate offering is designed with the customer in mind, so our wording covers a range of trades and sectors, ensuring we meet your clients individual needs.
We know risk management plays an integral role in the service you offer to customers. So we're delighted to support you with access to exclusive risk management services.
We provide a fast and efficient claims service across our range of products, including commercial motor, motor trade, property, and liability insurance.
With an entrepreneurial deal approach and diverse commission models, we believe we are the only commercial insurer offering a true partnership for growth.
Outlining our product oversight and governance standards, giving you an understanding of our products key features, target market and fair value considerations.
We’ve put together a practical guide, which covers how property claims inflation is driving up premiums, and what can be done to limit the impact.