Following on from our communication ‘What does the Consumer Duty Mean to our Customers, AXA, and our Brokers,’ below we concentrate on the first of the four Consumer Duty Outcomes - Products and Services.
This outcome applies to firms which manufacture, co-manufacture, and distribute products and services, including brokers, other types of intermediaries and insurers. It covers existing products and services that are available to new customers or can be renewed by existing customers, as well as those which are new or have been significantly adapted.
As with Principle 12 and the cross-cutting rules, this Consumer Duty outcome covers consumers, individuals acting in a business capacity and SME customers. It doesn’t apply to reinsurance, contracts of large risk sold to commercial customers or other contracts of large risk where the risk is located outside the UK.
The Products and Services outcome is central to firms acting to deliver good customer outcomes. By providing products and services which are fit for purpose, firms can avoid causing customer harm and will enable customers to pursue their own financial objectives. Relevant firms will need to:
For co-manufacturer arrangements, roles and responsibilities should be documented in a written agreement.
This outcome is closely linked to the Price and Value outcome, because however a product or service is priced, it is unlikely to offer fair value if it is poorly designed or sold to customers who cannot use it.
Additional guidance on product governance and oversight can be found here.
Below, we outline what this outcome means for AXA and the impact for customers and our broker partners across the lifetime of a product.
Key elements of this outcome | AXA's role as Manufacturer* | Customer Impact* | Broker Impact* |
Product Approval Process |
Defined target market |
Product testing |
Distribution strategy |
Product reviews |
**Examples are illustrative and not exhaustive
We believe that working closely together and sharing information will ensure the products and services that we design and sell continue to meet the needs of our customers. If you have any questions, please get in touch.